万卫兵 副教授,上海交通大学工学博士
专业:模式识别与智能系统 邮箱:wbwan@sues.edu.cn
1. 基于数据与知识驱动的协同智能决策系统
2. 多元感知的图结构场景理解
3. 视频大数据的目标检测与追踪
4. 工业检测中的智能视觉
best365网页版登录数字化转型工程中心常务副主任。作为负责人和主要研究人员主持和承担多项重要项目的研究工作,包括科技部科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目,国家基金委联合基金重点项目,十三五装备预研重点项目、领域基金项目和江西省03专项及5G项目。在国际著名期刊Applied Intelligence、Multimedia Tools and Applications、Applied Sciences、Electronics、International Journal of Social Robotics、Journal of Vision、BMC Neuroscience、Measurement Science & Technology 、Journal of Electronic Imaging、Artificial Organs等和国内期刊发表论文40多篇。
上海市科委科技评审专家。国际SCI期刊SPIE Journals、Measurement Science and Technology、IET Computer Vision等审稿人,Vision Sciences Society(VSS)和Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS) 国际会员。
1. 科技部科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目,项目编号:2020AAA0109300,工业领域知识自动构建与推理决策技术及应用,2020.11-2023.10,6815万元,在研,项目核心成员,总排名第6,子课题合作负责人。
2. 国家基金委联合基金重点项目,项目编号:U2033218,多源数据融合的机场道面关键参数提取和状态评估技术, 2021.01-2024.12,210万元,在研,项目骨干成员,排名第3。
3. 江西省03专项及5G项目,项目号:20224ABC03A15,智能制造流程工业数字孪生关键技术及应用研究,2022.09-2024.08,100万元,在研,项目骨干成员,排名第3。
4. 上海金枫酒业有限公司,视觉缺陷检测系统项目,2023.08-2023.12,138.9万元,在研,主持。
5. 十三五装备预研领域基金项目,复杂环境场景理解与层次化建模方法,50万元,2017.10-2019.11主持。
6. 上海市自然基金面上项目,基于共享注意的远程协同视觉搜索及应用研究,项目号:13ZR142160010万元2013.07-2016.07,主持。
7. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金,基于共享注意的远程协同视觉搜索系统及应用研究,48批3万元2015.03-2017.03,主持。
8. 十三五装备预研重大项目 基于多特征XXX目标提取XXX技术,550/160万元,2016.12-2018.12,主研,排名第2。
9. 国家自然基金面上项目 共形变换核的多核拓展及其优化学习方法,项目号:61375008 80/10万元,2014.01-2017.12,主研,排名第2。
[1] Wan, W.B*., Chen Y., Gao Y. B., Shao C., Zhao Y. M.,(2023) A fine-grained causality extraction model incorporating relative location coding, Applied Intelligence, SCI 影响因子5.122,02 Sep 2023。
[2] Chen Y., Wan, W.B*., Zhao Y. M., Huang B.,(2023) Generalization Performance Optimization of KBQA system for Chinese open domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications(2023), SCI 影响因子3.517,01 July 2023。
[3] Ma, S., Wan, WB*., Yu, ZD., Zhao, YM., (2023) EDET: Entity Descriptor Encoder of Transformer for Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph in Scene Parsing,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, SCI 影响因子2.688, 13(12),2023.
[4] Li, Q., Wan, WB*., Zhao, YM., (2023), A Multitask Cross-Lingual Summary Method Based on ABO Mechanism, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, SCI 影响因子2.688, 13(11),2023.
[5] Wei, Y., Wan, WB*., You, XM., Cheng, F., Wang, YX.,(2023) Improved Salp Swarm Algorithm for Tool Wear Prediction, ELECTRONICS, SCI 影响因子2.906, 12(3),2023.
[6] Li Q., Wan, W.B*., Zhao Y. M., Jiang X. Y., (2022) Improved BIO-based Chinese Automatic Abstract generation Model, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, SCI 影响因子1.887(在审)
[7] Ren M. Y., Wan, W. B*., Yu Z. D., Zhao Y. M., (2022) Bi-YOLO: Improved YOLO for Foreign Object Debris Detection on Airport Runways, Journal of Electronic Imaging, SCI 影响因子1.014, 31(6),2022.
[8] Chen Y., Wan, W. B*., Hu J.M., Wang Y.X., Huang, B.,(2022) Complex Causal Extraction of Fusion of Entity Location Sensing and Graph Attention Networks, information 2022, 13(8), 364.
[9] Wang, YN., Gao, YB., Yu, WJ., Guo, RY., Wan, WB., Yang, SQ., Huang, B., (2022) Transformer networks with adaptive inference for scene graph generation, Applied Intelligence, SCI 影响因子5.122, 53 (8) , pp.9621-9633
[10] Zhu, YX., Yan, FT., Pan, JS., Wan, WB., Huang, B., Shi, ZC.,(2022) Multi-strategy Parallel Phasmatodea Population Evolution Algorithm for Public Transport Scheduling, ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT INFORMATION HIDING AND MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING (IIH-MSP 2021 & FITAT 2021), VOL 2, 278 , pp.229-238.
[11] Wan W.B*., Yuan L.F., Zhao Q.F., Fang T.,(2018)Two-dimensional hidden semantic information model for target saliency detection and eyetracking identification,Journal of Electronic Imaging SCI影响因子1.014.
[12] Zhu T.H, Zhao Q.F., Wan W.B., Xia Z.Y.,(2017). Robust Regression-Based Motion Perception for Online Imitation on Humanoid Robot, International Journal of Social Robotics. DOI 10.1007/s12369-017-0416-9. SCI影响因子 4.716.
[13] Gao X.L, Wan W.B*, Zhao Q.F, Zhang X.M,(2015). Local self-similarity descriptor for point-of-interest reconstruction of real-world scenes. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2015, Vol.26(8), p.085010 (10pp). SCI影响因子 2.325.
[14] Chen X, Zhu X. Y., Wan W.B Yang Z.Y, (2013).Statistics of spatial-temporal concatenations of features at human fixations in action classification. Journal of Vision, 13:520; doi:10.1167/13.9.520. SCI影响因子 3.376.
[15] Wan W.B, Yang Z.Y, (2012). Statistics of Three-Dimensional Natural Scene Structure. Journal of Vision ,August 13, 12(9): 1203; doi:10.1167/12.9.1203,SCI影响因子 3.376.
[16] Wan W.B, Yang Z.Y, (2012). A Visual Code Book--Structured Probability Distributions in Natural Scenes. BMC Neuroscience, 13(Suppl 1):P9。 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-13-S1-P9.SCI 影响因子 3.04.
[17] Chen X, Wan W.B Yang Z.Y, (2012).Statistics of Eye Movements in Scene Categorization and Scene Memorization. BMC Neuroscience, 13(Suppl 1):P8,doi:10.1186/1471-2202-13-S1-P8. SCI 影响因子 3.04.
[18] Chen X, Wan W.B, Yang Z.Y, (2012).Statistics of Natural Scene Structures and Scene Categorization”. BMC Neuroscience, 13(Suppl 1):P7 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-13-S1-P7 SCI 影响因子 3.04.
[19] Wan W.B, Fang T, Li S.G.(2011). Vehicle detection algorithm based on light pairing and tracking at nighttime. Journal of Electronic Imaging ,20(4), 043008 (Oct–Dec 2011). SCI影响因子1.014.
[20] Wan W.B, Shi P.F, (2010). Scaffold Modeling Application in the Repair of Skull Defects, Artificial Organs, 34(4):339-342. SCI影响因子2.0.
[21] Wan W.B, Shi P.F, Li S.G.(2009). Segmentation, surface rendering, and surface simplification of 3-D skull images for the repair of a large skull defect. Journal of Electronic Imaging 18(4), 043003 (Oct–Dec 2009). SCI影响因子1.014.