姓名 | 阚秀 | 性别 | 女 | |
职称 | 教授 | |||
研究方向 | 智能检测与控制优化、工业多模态数据分析与知识表达、生物行为检测与人机交互控制 | |||
通讯地址 | 上海市松江区龙腾路333号现代交通工程中心7526室 | |||
邮政编码 | 201620 | |||
联系电话 | 021-67791126 | |||
电子邮箱 | xiu.kan@sues.edu.cn | |||
个人简介 | 教授,东华大学工学博士,东南大学博士后,英国Brunel University London访问学者,复旦大学访问学者,亚洲控制协会会员,中国系统仿真学会智能物联系统建模与仿真专业委员会委员,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会-随机系统控制学组委员。入选上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、校展翅计划。主持科技部科技创新2030“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题子项目1项,主持校企合作横向项目1项,主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与4项,主持上海市级等项目3项,参与4项。在国内外学术期刊及国际学术会议上发表论文50余篇,担任IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,Information Science,System & Control Letters,Journal of the Franklin Institute等10余个国际期刊审稿人。 | |||
主要成果 | 代表性课题: 1) 几类随机分数阶复杂网络的参数及状态估计问题研究,国家自然基金青年项目,主持; 2) 工业制造机理建模及知识表达范式理论,科技部科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题子项目,主持; 3) 一类随机复杂网络的参数及状态估计问题研究,上海市科委,主持; 4) 网络化环境下非线性随机系统的滤波研究,上海市教委,主持; 5) 信息部分丢失下随机Markov跳参数系统的非线性滤波,国家自然基金面上项目,参与; 6) 具有不完全测量信息的非线性随机系统滤波问题研究,国家自然基金青年项目,参与; 人才计划: 2) best365网页版登录展翅计划 代表性科研论文: 1) Xiu Kan*, Yixuan Fan, Zhijun Fang, Le Cao, Neal N. Xiong, Dan Yang and Xuan Li, A novel IoT network intrusion detection approach based on adaptive particle swarm optimization convolutional neural network. Information Sciences, Vol.568, pp.147-162, 2021. 2) Mengfei Yuan, Xiu Kan*, Chi-hung Chi, Le Cao, Huisheng Shu,Yixuan Fan. An adaptive simulated annealing and artificial fish swarm algorithm for the optimization of multi-depot express delivery vehicle routing, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol.26, No.1, pp.239-256, 2022. 3) Houxin Jin, Le Cao, Xiu Kan*, Weizhou Sun, Wei Yao, Xialin Wang, Huisheng Shu,Wei Yao, Yixuan Fan. Coal petrography extracting approach based on multiscale mixed attention based residual U-net, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.33, No.7, Article ID 075402, 2022. 4) Mengfei Yuan, Xiu Kan*, Chi-hung Chi, Le Cao, Huisheng Shu,Wei Yao, Yixuan Fan. Study of Driving Cycle of City Tour Bus Based on Coupled GA-K-means and HMM Algorithms: A Case Study in Beijing, IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.20331-20345, 2021. 5) Mengmeng Guo, Xiu Kan*, Huisheng Shu, Optimal investment and reinsurance problem with jump-diffusion model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol.50, No.5, pp.1082-1098, 2021. 6) Xiu Kan*, Dan Yang, Le Cao, Huisheng Shu, Yuanyuan Li,Wei Yao and Xiafeng Zhang. A Novel PSO-Based Optimized Lightweight Convolution Neural Network for Movements Recognizing from Multichannel Surface Electromyogram,Complexity,Article ID 6642463,2020. 7) Xiu Kan*, Jinling Liang, Yurong Liu, and Dobaie, Abdullah M. Robust H-infinity state estimation for BAM neural networks with randomly occurring uncertainties and sensor saturations, Neurocomputing, Vol.311, pp.225-234, 2018. 8) Xiu Kan, Huisheng Shu and Zhenna Li, Almost sure state estimation for nonlinear stochastic systems with Markovian switching, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.76, No.2, pp.1591-1602, 2014. 9) Xiu Kan, Huisheng Shu and zhenna Li, Robust state estimation for discrete-time delayed neural networks with linear fractional uncertainties and successive packet dropouts, Neurocomputing, Vol.135, pp.130-138, 2014. 10) Xiu Kan, Zidong Wang and Huisheng Shu, State estimation for discrete-time delayed neural networks with fractional uncertainties and sensor saturations, Neurocomputing, Vol.117, pp.64-71, 2013. 专利: 1) 阚秀,李令环,曹乐,奚峥皓,杨昊,刘乐远.一种能够实时监测护士疲惫程度的多功能护士帽. CN2019112016520. (发明专利,实审). 2) 阚秀,王夏霖,曹乐,孙维周,范艺璇,金厚鑫.基于多尺度U型神经网络的焦炭显微光学组织提取方法. CN202110406617.3. (发明专利,实审). 3) 阚秀,杨诞,曹乐, 黄经纬,王夏霖,张文艳, 范艺璇,李令环,闫炳成. 一种用于小鼠运动状态信息采集与分析装置. CN202011207717.5. (发明专利,实审). 4) 曹乐,阚秀,李思迪,黄经纬,刘乐远,李敏.一种基于加速度传感器的大小鼠步态监测装置. CN2019111186971. (发明专利,实审). 5) 曹乐,阚秀,刘乐远,黄经纬,李令环,魏德轩. 一种基于PVDF压电薄膜传感器的疲劳驾驶监测系统. CN2019111566307. (发明专利,实审). 6) 曹乐,李敏,阚秀,黄经纬,杨昊,沈颉,袁梦飞,张文艳,杨诞. 基于模拟电路的Spar平台参数共振预测装置及其方法. CN2020112082281. (发明专利,实审). |